Hello and thanks for visiting my webpage. I am 19AT256 my name is Twan, 58 years old and married to Maria 53 years old.
We have two boys , Brian 31 years old and Maical 29 years old. I started radio in 1980 first only on FM with a Stabo XF2200 ,Turner plus three and a Avanti sigma 2 vertical antenna. After some time I bought a Ham Multimode 2 and also a CTE speedy amplifier and started with DXing my first QSO was with 30 division Spain.
In 1981 I joined the AT group as 19AT136 and was very active on the band till 1985 then I left the hobby. In 1993 I bought a president Lincoln and I started again with dxing, first with a vertical antenna, after some time I bought a 3 element Yagi and I was very active again.
I joined the AT group again and used the call 19AT536 and after some years I became 19AT056.
I joined also other groups and a few of my call signs were 19OP272,19AC017,19BG036,19WW331,19SD102 (19SD010),19AC152,Snowman #396, ,19DX056 and many more.
After some time I upgraded to a 4 element Yagi and my radio, microphone I use is a Heil HMM and Heil headset .
My working conditions in 2022 are: radio: Yaesu FTDX3000 micr: Heil Pro 74 DX/Heil HMM/Heil GM HC4-HC5 Ant:Deltaloop 4 ellements 7.10 boom (as on picture above) 10,5 meter over the ground.
I collect DXCC's and islands QSL's from all over the world, you can find here a part of my QSL collection ******** and I'm still working to put my complete collection online.
If you have any questions or need any information email me : 19at256@home.nl Thanks for your time 19AT256 Twan